Experiences Worth Sharing
A career of a business manager sounds really good at first, but this research paper shows me that there is a lot more to discover. Being a business manager will give you the same feeling of first time. You will always fell respectful and powerful. You can command your co-worker on what to do and putting a deadline. You receive more incentive and benefits that your employees. But what is business manager truly means? This is means is to ethically work and interact with people everyday, make critical decisions, solve the problem of everyone in your company when it regards to overall performance of the business, and plan things ahead to meet everyday business goal. Higher position will not means for your own satisfaction or happiness, but it also means a higher responsibility. There are a lot of advantages to being a business manager: such as the majority of manager will be delegated a degree of authority, this gives them the power to carry out certain tasks, such as set work schedules, appraise staff, organise training, settle disputes and perhaps even have a say in staff discipline, recruitment and the growth and direction of the business; They are paid more than others in the company and they has a higher value in our society if they have a Business Administration degree would be added advantage for their goal. If it sounds good being a business manager, there are also disadvantages of a business manager such as: no one likes the boss, and you are lonely at the top. You are the person who always has to make the decision, right or wrong. Wrong decision may screw-up your job. On the top of that there are illegal liabilities as well as restrictions that non-managers don’t have. You may always feel aloof because you may not as close to the employees in your group when you are the boss. No one likes to work in alone right? Goals of a business manager’s decision are usually more long-term, quarterly or even annual. The real measure of a manager’s success, an improvement in their people management skill is even more long term and more difficult to manage. If you can wait months or longer for feedback, management may be for you.
Management is not right for everyone. Those who like to have responsibility, enjoy working with people, able to deal with uncertainty and making decisions when you never seem to have all the facts in time. Probably will get paid more, but believe me you'll earn it. However, when it all comes together; when all your people are pulling together toward the same goal and setting new records it can be a great feeling. When you see someone you trained go off on their own and become successful, you can take a certain amount of pride for having helped them get started. Management can be frustrating, and a lot of hard work.
The most interesting things that I discovered about business manager is that upon writing this career research paper, I can picture out what could happen or what could I feel when I reached this career in the future. This research paper opens my mind on what happens in reality today. Completing my primary and secondary sources is the best part of this research paper on being a business manager.
Upon completing my resources I found out that the field of business manager is not always in demand, of course, company owner will always choose a business manager from his own employees. This means that this career is not always open to new employee applying to a higher position and it will not give you a higher chance to receive a job offer. I am not thinking of college degree that is easy to study but I am thinking more to job that I could earn when I graduated. And as my final decision is clear now, I will not going pursue this career. We all know that life is hard enough and it’s getting harder everyday, and that’s me. I will always love to manage time and organize things out and this career is not for me. I failed to dealt nicely to people most of the time and I don’t want to waited for so long just to receive my feedback and so being a business manager required waiting for so long for just a feedback and interact nicely to people everyday.
I have learned a lot through my research and because of the data and information that I have gathered, it has given me new ideas and knowledge on what it's like to be a business man. The advantages of being a businessman is that they get to network and meet many different people from all over. The experience that come with being a businessman is great. The disadvantages of being a businessman is that it can be very long hours and they are away from home often. Even though it has a lot of disadvantages, I would still want to pursue this kind of career for the reason that the beneifts and advantages out weigh the cons.