Experiences Worth Sharing
Business News Daily asked entrepreneurs all over the world why they love what they do, and their responses ranged from incredibly inspiring to downright funny. Here's what they had to say:
No. 1: We, as humans, love new experiences but rarely can you experience a host of new things from inside your cubicle. This all changes when you are running the show. Starting your own business will ensure you'll always be facing new challenges and experiencing something new. — James Bregenzer, owner,Bregenzer Group
No. 2: When my boss told me to stay in my lane, I knew I had to do something else. The day I walked into my office and had the ability to grow my company was the day I knew I was exactly where I was meant to be. — Brittany Ringersen, CEO and founder, Lighthouse Recovery Institute
No. 3: The best part of being an entrepreneur is that you can get out of it exactly what you put in. The harder you work, the bigger the reward. — Elizabeth Henson, owner, Elizabeth Henson Photos
No. 4: The best part? Being able to say 'my company.' — Brian Pfeiffer, creator and CEO, Design a Tea
No. 5: By far what I enjoy the most about being an entrepreneur is theability to interact with a wide range of companies and individuals and to learn from them. — Linda Pophal, owner, Strategic Communications
No. 6: I feel fulfilled when Fridays come along and I get to give my employees their paycheck. My business is a small business (fewer than 15 employees), so I know all my employees well and like talking to them about their work and mentoring them if/when they need it. Also, knowing that there are people that depend on me for their livelihood drives me to keep growing my business. —Priyanka Murthy, head designer and CEO, Arya Esha
No. 7: One of the best parts of being an entrepreneur is that I can hire people to represent my company and myself, not some organization I'm working for. I have control over how I want my company to be branded. — Susan Baxter, president, Hire a WingWoman
No. 8:I'm never bored, since I'm always working on making something better. It's not a job where you do the same thing for 30 years, then retire. I get to try hundreds of different directions (some good, some bad) and learn as I go. —Jim Belosic, CEO, ShortStack
No. 9: As an employee, you are one ingredient in a recipe. You do not get to choose what gets cooked, how it is prepared or to whom it gets served. Additionally, your ingredient may be the one that will not make or break the recipe. As an entrepreneur, you have the freedom to design your own menu. — Karen Swim, owner, Words for Hire
No. 10: To me, one of the best things about being an entrepreneur is you're helping shape the future of the world. Whether it's a new consumer product, B2B service or a new medical device, what you do can have a profound impact on the lives of others. — Tim Segraves, co-founder, Revaluate
No. 11: I love that I get to decide who I help and how I help them. My clients are people I've chosen because I personally identify with them, so the problems I'm solving are both interesting and enjoyable. And I get to be creative in how I solve them, which would be harder to do as an employee. — Matt Becker, founder, Mom and Dad Money
No. 12: Being an entrepreneur allows me to color outside the lines and create clarity where others see chaos. It allows me to stretch beyond what I thought possible. — Michael Melfi, general counsel, Funderbuilt
No. 13: My worst day working for myself is nothing compared to my worst day working for someone else. — Jennifer Brown, founder, 3 Busy Dogs
No. 14: You have the opportunity to create an authentic, meaningful and sustainable corporate culture! — Jim Butler, CEO, RedKey Realty
No. 15: The best part of being an entrepreneur is getting to meet so many talented entrepreneurs, change-makers and passionate people, whether online or in person. If I didn't have to push myself to make my business succeed, I would have never stepped outside of my introvert comfort zone and made the great connections I have now. — Dana Rivera, owner, Dana Rivera Films
No. 16: I find the best part of [entrepreneurship] is that it allows me the flexibility to attend events at my children's school during the day, as well as volunteer at their school when necessary. A 9-to-5 corporate job would not allow me to do that. — Angelica L. Cox, owner and operator, The Wizor
No. 17: The best part about being an entrepreneur is being able to work with like-minded individuals and make a dent in the universe. — Tiffany Mason, owner, Mason Coaching and Consulting
No. 18: It is a whole-brain role — I have needed to learn and think and make decisions that impact the whole business, so I am constantly learning and experimenting with new things. It is exponentially more interesting than a clearly defined corporate position. — David McKeegna, co-founder, Greenback Expat Tax Services
No. 19: I get to wear T-shirts and bring my dog to the office. But actually, being an entrepreneur is great because I don't have to deal with any of the unnecessary rules, restrictions and bureaucracy of a large company. I just get to work on creating a company I love. — Ryan Farley, co-founder, Lawnstarter
No. 20: I'm real big on being legendary, meaning when I'm gone and forgotten about, my story will live on. Starting my own company and establishing it to the point where it is its own entity is my way of establishing a solidified legacy. — Kwame Molden, co-founder, SPGK