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     Every occupation and designation requires appropriate skills, and when it comes to business these skill become most essential for survival. Below are some of the most required skills that one businessman must have.


Optimism, without which you can not survival. Model successful stock traders, who waits for the perfect day when suffering of little losses daily.


Leadership, remember your sub-ordinates are only as much as capable as you are.


Ability to work in a team, the basic requirement for this include friendliness and patience.


Ability to learn and manage information. It is the skill which empowers you to stay on top in every situation.


Adaptation to new technologies and ideas, in business only fastest and fittest survive.


Selling skill, for which you need to promote your product, communicate with your customers and to make use of their feelings.


Negotiation skill, much needed for success in both personal life and business life. One interesting thing: for most the negotiation skill automatically comes into play when their survival is challenged.


Ability to communicate; communication is very important in businesses, whether to customers, team-members, partners, etc. You must be good with your speech and writing.


Judgment and common sense, is the ability to know what is going to happen when things are going in one way.(“Most Wanted Skills for a Businessman, Developing Skills for Businessman” 2016)

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