Experiences Worth Sharing
Through the process of gathering my data, I have learned so much, from the facts, information, opinions and especially from the people that I have interviewed. There are a lot of advantages of being an entrepreneur. You can be your own boss and own your time, having to decide when you’ll work and have a vacation. You don’t have the same old routine everyday, you won’t feel limited with the things that you experience and you even meet new different people. You give new opportunities and chances for employment and help consumers with their problems. Although there are many perks of being an entrepreneur, there will also have disadvantages, like pouring so much time working on your business, and being hands on especially when it has just started, you have to always monitor. You’ll have a hard time trusting and hiring a good employee for your business. And having to balance your personal money from your business money. Experiencing losses and rejections. But it’s all part of being an entrepreneur you can never learn without having to go through hardships and failures. I’ve learned that anyone can be an entrepreneur, and the best time to start is now. Though it is going to be hard, if you have this burning passion and strong drive and perseverance it will get you to your goal.
I still do believe that this is the kind of career that I want to pursue, considering the fact that we all need to be practical and I don’t want someone to control my time or even myself. I long for new experiences and lessons everyday even if that means I’m gonna have to learn and experience the hard way. Failures and rejections will always be there and I know it will help me grow as a person in terms of my characteristics and attitude towards the situation. It will give me more opportunities to help more people and my family. When an employee retires, most of them ends up having their own business,for them to earn and make a living, but I don’t have to wait for retirement for me to have my own business. Being an entrepreneur just doesn’t benefit me but it will also benefit others.

Kristin Sy
I learned a lot of information about my research topic which is a restaurant owner my knowledge about entrepreneur has been increased because there are a lot of information specially in surveying a restaurant owner i get a lot of advice and information on how you will manage your business.
There are a lot of advantages from being a restaurant owner such as; being a boss, You can’t get fired and out have the freedom to make the decisions about your restaurant, and no one can control your idea, and your time.
There are a lot of disadvantages from owning a restaurant such as; The financial resources needed to start and grow a business because you need a lot of money to start up your restaurant, even if you’re not sure if your restaurant is in demand, another is time-consuming because if you are managing your restaurant you need to work and think a new idea that will trend to your customer (e.g. Promo, New Menu )
The most interesting part that i discovered about entrepreneur is the time because mostly they think that you have much free time in your life but no because even the working hours is finished, at your home you're still need to work like you need to think a new idea from your customer, and on how you will manage your business. And i want to pursue this career because i have a lot idea now on how i will manage my restaurant.
John Irvin Caoile