Business Man

The purpose and use of this research paper is to know more and get and know more information about being a businessman. In this research paper I gathered informations such as the responsibilities, requirements, skills, and characteristics.
So the businessman must be, educated, has a physical appearance, technical skills, be honest, hard working, courteous, steadfast, endurance power, discipline, and decision power. A businessman know his/her responsibilities and how can he/she manage everything. To become a businessman too should take education requirements and you can take a course about businessman.
When I was a child, my dream was to be firefighter because it’s amazes me on how they do their work and also I love the sounds of their truck. When I was a kinder there was a program in our school and I’m part of the program. Me and my classmates build a circle shaped then we’re asked one by one by our teacher and asked us “What is your dream?”. My classmates dream was unique and awesome too, being a Teacher, Doctor, Pilot, Chef etc.
My Uncle is a Businessman and he can multi-task because he has a small stall burger and he is the one who run his business and also he has his own product. It’s awesome because my dream job or career when I was a high school is Businessman and my Uncle amazes me and I want to be like him and the skill that he has and till now that is my dream job because I want to run a business, like restaurants, condominium, or office works like that. Now, I’m pushing myself to be a businessman because I really want to be a businessman that’s why I enroll the Junior College Program because I know that they can help me with my dream or career job.
Scope and Limitations
This research paper is to know about being a Businessman and to know the facts and opinions too. A businessman should do a fair and square deal to every individual he/she is doing business with. To become a businessman, you should have an education or must have an experience in tag figlo of any business he/she is engage with. In establishing business owe should have compute permits and licenses to conduct your business. One should have a convincing personalities so that an individual can do business with other people. There is no salary range for a businessman, the competition for a businessman is unlimited. To become a businessman, one should start from the very low bars of the company. Courses for businessman are Bachelor of Science in Commerce or Business Administration. Being able to interact with people from all walks of life, and the satisfaction businessman get when customers compliment your products. One of the advantage is when you’re the own boss and the disadvantage is the stress of having to worry about every aspect of your business. The one of main challenge is being able to constantly improve your products and services, you have always be looking for better ways to satisfy customers in every aspect.
I gathered my data using the three online sources and I started gathering 2 months ago and my data is from 2013-2016.,, . I focused on local jobs here in the Philippines and I didn’t include on what are their job and working abroad. I wrote this research paper for the people who wants to study being a Businessman or want to be a Businessman.
Review of Related Literature
Responsibilities of Businessman
Businessmen conduct research in their area of expertise in order to understand and find ways to aid their company in business development. Some of this work is performed by financial analysts and others designated specifically for research, but businessmen working for smaller businesses may perform much of the research on their own.
Businessmen also conduct analysis of the facts based on the research they do. This can include analysis of financial trends, profit and loss, productivity and any other area of business that might affect their company. Analysis may include taking an inventory of current resources and personnel in order to better use them or cut them loose if they are not meeting expectations.
Another common duty of the average businessman is to plan business strategy based on the findings of current research and the corresponding analysis. Planning in larger companies is often conducted in a collaborative environment where several businessmen and top executives make the major decisions on behalf of a company. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, or BLS, notes that the top business executives in a company typically implement strategies and policies that help ensure that the primary business objectives of the company have been met.
Some business professionals work in management or business administration. Business managers typically direct the actions of other employees by delegating responsibilities in various projects and business endeavors. Management professionals may be responsible for directing the financial vision of the company as mandated by top executives or a board of directors within the company.
Businessmen often take part in activities that require them to organize and coordinate efforts to make the endeavors successful. Organization can include delegating responsibility to employees who can carry out tasks or contracting the work out to other companies that specialize in the task at hand. For example, a businessman who is coordinating an important business meeting might delegate the securing of hotel meeting facilities to an employee.
Representation and Networking
Many businessmen play the role of company representative. They are the face of their company or organization and may play a key role in business development by meeting with executives from other companies to establish deals. Businessmen also represent the company in various social functions and in community business organizations. As the face of the organization, they may network with other business professionals in order to secure goods, services or relationships with other companies that they can work with for mutual benefit.(Lewis 2016)
The steps to become a Businessman
Bald eagles are birds that can often be found on very high altitudes. There they soar and with their very sharp eyesight they have a clear view on the world below them and especially on the prey they want to catch; fish, that is what they like most.They can see the milky white spot in the water from a distance of many miles. In high places they build their nests. On a rock, on the top of a tree but always on a spot where they have a good view on the world that surrounds them. And from their castle they see what is happening around them and that gives security. The businessman should also have a clear view on what is happening in the market. From very far he should recognize his potential customers and "attack" them at the right moment. At the same time he should be aware of the dangers that surround him, anticipate, absorb the environment and be prepared to act immediately.
Bald eagles are confined to their territories. With the seasons some migrate but you find bald eagles only in a specific habitat namely forests, mountains and near sea and rivers. You won't find them in the desert. In their habitat they know what to do, where they can find prey and which dangers surround them. By instinct and by learning they have knowledge about the way they have to conduct their lives and about how they have to behave in this habitat. They will never go beyond the limitations of this framework. If they do, they die. This holds a lesson for the businessman. He should know everything about his business and when I say everything, I mean everything. He should know all about the products he sells from beginning to end, every detail should be an open book to him. He can never be surprised with questions on which he has no answers. He should know about marketing techniques, the position and plans of competitors etc., etc. And if he doesn't possess this knowledge by nature, he has to learn it.
Enough is enough
When Bald Eagles catch prey, they will catch only one fish at a time. It is not possible for them to catch more. But they know precisely how to catch this one fish. Their flying skills, their strong talons and their eyesight are extremely well developed and fit for the job. Almost every attempt to catch a prey is successful.
This phenomenon also holds a wise lesson for the businessman. He has to restrict himself to a number of products he can handle and products that matches his skills and abilities. To stay in the animal world: if you are a cow don't try to jump fences like a horse. People will only laugh at you. It is better to sell one product very well than ten without a satisfying result.
Bald eagles mate for life and they are absolutely loyal to each other. From high altitudes the two birds tumble down in a dangerous free fall. Mocking the laws of gravity they unite. Only just above the treetops they separate and fly wing by wing to the nest. This spectacular show requires great courage. A businessman also needs courage to be successful. He has to make decisions about difficult and uncertain subjects. And he also needs to know when to stop his free fall. Having courage to make difficult decisions is not synonymous for being reckless. A decision that leads to disaster is not a decision, but a wild guess. You see....the businessman can learn a great deal from this majestic bird that embodies not only beauty, strength and freedom but that possesses also the essential conditions and abilities to survive. The beginning businessman as well, who is maybe starting his business in great uncertainty about the future, can learn from the bald eagle: Flying high starts with spreading your wings!(“4 Tips for the Successful Businessman - Internet Coaching” 2016)
The educational requirements for Businessman
Although it is generally not required to have a college degree in order to own a business, completing a college degree program will give prospective business owners a better understanding of what owning a business entails. There are various educational career paths that students can choose from, including earning an associate, bachelor's or master's degree in business administration, management or a related field.
Although there are a variety of degree programs that aspiring business owners can choose from, general business courses will be similar for some degree programs. Similar business-related courses include:
Basics of management and marketing
Financial management and policy
Various economics courses
Accounting courses
Organizational leadership
Business Licensing and Other Requirements
There are various requirements that businesses must meet before they can offer goods or services to the general public. For example, any business that has employees must have an employer identification number which will be used to identify tax accounts for various agencies. Business owners must also meet requirements for unemployment insurance, various building licenses and permits, worker's compensation, labor laws and safety regulations.(“Business Owner: Education Requirements and Career Information” 2016)
Businessman needs a license in the Philippines
Many Filipinos are currently not contented with working for someone, so they chase the dream of being their own boss and opening up their own businesses. However, starting a business in the Philippines is not a walk in the park. Many things should be first accomplished. An example is obtaining business permits and licenses. Licenses and permits must be consistent with your business category; otherwise, you might end up facing lawsuits. Before you even register for your business permits and licenses, you should identify first what type of business you have. Regardless of whether you’re registering for sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation, you must familiarize yourself with the business permits and licenses that you should secure to prevent future loss. (Yaptinchay and Yaptinchay 2015)
The skills that fits to be a Businessman
Every occupation and designation requires appropriate skills, and when it comes to business these skill become most essential for survival. Below are some of the most required skills that one businessman must have.
Optimism, without which you can not survival. Model successful stock traders, who waits for the perfect day when suffering of little losses daily.
Leadership, remember your sub-ordinates are only as much as capable as you are.
Ability to work in a team, the basic requirement for this include friendliness and patience.
Ability to learn and manage information. It is the skill which empowers you to stay on top in every situation.
Adaptation to new technologies and ideas, in business only fastest and fittest survive.
Selling skill, for which you need to promote your product, communicate with your customers and to make use of their feelings.
Negotiation skill, much needed for success in both personal life and business life. One interesting thing: for most the negotiation skill automatically comes into play when their survival is challenged.
Ability to communicate; communication is very important in businesses, whether to customers, team-members, partners, etc. You must be good with your speech and writing.
Judgment and common sense, is the ability to know what is going to happen when things are going in one way.(“Most Wanted Skills for a Businessman, Developing Skills for Businessman” 2016)
These are the salary range of Businessman in the Philippines
Median Salary: PHP 268,122
"Accountants perform financial calculations for companies in a wide variety of fields."
Accounting Assistant
Median Salary: PHP 173,094
"An accounting assistant supports a company in its day-to-day accounting duties."
Administrative Assistant
Median Salary: PHP 172,231
"Administrative assistants are employed in a very wide range of fields and provides various types administrative assistance to employees."
Call Center Agent
Median Salary: PHP 192,242
"Call center agents work in telephone call center where they may receive incoming calls from customers regarding a product or service or place outgoing calls to current or potential customers."
Civil Engineer
Median Salary: PHP 236,841
"Most of the time, civil engineers design, plan, and/or manage construction projects."
Customer Service Representative (CSR)
Median Salary: PHP 213,783
"A Customer Service Representative is a job that requires the ability to handle multiple tasks."
Operations Manager
Median Salary: PHP 701,574
"Operations managers oversee their organization’s production of goods and/or services."
Software Engineer
Median Salary: PHP 360,308
"In the world of software design and development, a software engineer plays a key role." (“Most Wanted Skills for a Businessman, Developing Skills for Businessman” 2016; “PayScale - Salary Survey, Salaries, Wages, Compensation Information and Analysis” 2016)
Businessman needs a training in the Philippines
Training the Trainers
How to Compute Salaries, Wages, and Benefits
Performance Management System
Personality Development
Human Resource Management Training
Conducting Interviews, Recruitment and Selection Process
Competency-Based Salary Structure Design
Training Needs Analysis
Competency-Based Development of HR Policies and Procedures
Training Evaluation: Measuring the Impact of Training
Training for Receptionists
Fundamentals of Organizational Development
Training for Executive Assistants
Handling Grievance, Discipline, Termination and Dismissal
Competency-Based Succession Planning
Work Attitude and Value Enhancement (WAVE) Program
Improving Performance Using Balanced Scorecard
Effective Change Management
(“Quality Business Training | Business Seminars by BusinessCoach, Inc., Philippines” 2016)
The course that you need to take to become a Businessman in the Philippines
The Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration (BSCA) is a four-year college degree course for individuals who wish to pursue a career in custom brokerage or in the field of transportation and supply chain management. The program is designed to produce customs brokers, freight forwarders, logistics managers, export-import managers and government customs officers and employees.
The Customs Administration curriculum provides students with the theoretical education and initial trainings on the practical application of the tariff and customs laws, policies and guidelines that are being implemented by the different government agencies that are involved in the import and export industries. Students will also learn various laws, regulations and procedures and its implication to taxation. The business oriented syllabus includes classroom activities and on-the-job training with customs brokerage companies or with the Bureau of Customs. (“BS in Customs Administration in the Philippines” 2016)
Methods & Results
To know more what a Businessman is, I gathered data by making a short survey through google forms. I sent the google forms to Giovanni Comsti, which is a Businessman.
Are you satisfied with your job or position?
2. What do you love about your job?
3. Are you satisfied with your company’s profit?
4. What is the advantage and disadvantage of being a Businessman?
5. Did you reach your goal? What is your main goal?
6. How do you manage your work and family life?
7. How many is your free time or available time?
30 minutes
1 hour
2 hours
3 hours above
8. What is goal in the next 5 years?
9. What are the main challenges of Businessman?
Are you satisfied with your job or position?
Summary Statement:
The respondent is satisfied with his job or position.
What do you love about your job?
Being able to interact with people from all walks of life and the satisfaction I get when customers compliment our products.
Summary Statement:
The respondent love about his job is being able to interact with people from all walks of life and the satisfaction he get when customers compliment his/their product.
Are you satisfied with your company's profit?
Yes, but we are aiming for better profits.
Summary Statement:
The respondent said yes, but they are aiming for better profits.
What is the advantage and disadvantage of being a businessman?
Advantage is I am my own boss. Disadvantage is the stress of having to worry about every aspect of your business.
Summary Statement:
The advantage is he own his business and he is the boss too. The disadvantage is the stress of having to worry about every aspect of your business.
Did you reach your goal? What is your main goal?
The ultimate goal is to create a sustainable business that can be our main source of income. That being said, we have not reached our goal yet, but we are striving hard to attain that goal.
Summary Statement:
The respondent goal is to create a sustainable business that can be their main source of income. That being said, they have not reached their goal yet, but they are striving hard to attain their goal.
How do you manage your work and family life?
Fortunately, we only operate at night which makes it easy for us to attend to family matters during the day. Plus the fact that our business is located at home making it real convenient for us.
Summary Statement:
Their operate at night which makes it easy for them to attend to family matters during the day. Plus the fact that their business is located at home making it real convenient for them.
How many is your free time or available time?
3 hours above.
Summary Statement:
The respondent free time or available time is 3 hours above.
What is your goal in the next 5 years?
We aim to expand the business, open other branches. But we have to be established enough before we even look at expansion.
Summary Statement:
They aim to expand the business and open other branches but they have to be established enough before they even look at expansion.
What are the main challenges of businessman?
Main challenge is being able to constantly improve our products and services. We have to always be looking for better ways to satisfy customers in every aspect.
Summary Statement:
The main challenge for the respondent is being able to constantly improve their products and services too. They have to always be looking for better ways to satisfy customers in every aspect.
The advantages of being a businessman is that they get to network and meet many different people from all over. The experience that come with being a businessman is great. The disadvantages of being a businessman is that it can be very long hours and they are away from home often.
“4 Tips for the Successful Businessman - Internet Coaching.” 2016. Accessed March 16.
“BS in Customs Administration in the Philippines.” 2016. Accessed March 16.
“Business Owner: Education Requirements and Career Information.” 2016. Accessed March 16.
Lewis, Jared. 2016. “What Are the Duties of a Businessman? | eHow.” eHow. Accessed March 16.
“Most Wanted Skills for a Businessman, Developing Skills for Businessman.” 2016. Accessed March 16.
“PayScale - Salary Survey, Salaries, Wages, Compensation Information and Analysis.” 2016. Accessed March 16.
“Quality Business Training | Business Seminars by BusinessCoach, Inc., Philippines.” 2016. Accessed March 16.
Yaptinchay, Danella, and Danella Yaptinchay. 2015. “5 Essential Business Permits and Licenses in the Philippines.” Tycoon Philippines. January 28.