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Being a Business Manager


This career research paper is to provides information more about being a business manager. Introduction contains how I come up in choosing this career as my career research paper. Scope and limitation contains the purpose of this career research paper, how I gathered my primary and secondary resources, and the things that I’m not going to discuss here. Review and literacy contains the history and brief information about business manager, the educational attainment, work industry, skills and abilities, task and daily responsibilities. Figures of tables contains the 5 figures from my secondary resources and detailed information on being a business manager based on their experience. Methods and result is composed of how I gathered each resources in steps by steps procedure, the questions forms and answers from my secondary resources. Conclusion is compose of advantages and disadvantages of this career, the most interesting part in making this career research paper, and if I am going to pursue this career.

This career research paper is not made to dictate readers and students on their decision but to provide them information if they are going to join this career, what might happen if they choose this career or what might not happens when they didn’t choose this career.


When I was a child I always see how my mother take a good care of us and working at the same time. She tried so many kind of business that she can easily handle and can be a big source of income in the future. Then, I wanted to be a business woman. When I was in high school, I use to be our clinic assistant then, I wanted to be a nurse. In 2010, I took up Bachelor of Science in Nursing in Arellano University, Pasig City for two years and that time I really put effort and passion to my course to the point that I don’t wanna stop studying until I graduated but then life is too hard and gets harder as time goes by. Due to financial problem I have to stop studying and give way to my siblings for three years. And for three years, I started working in many BPO Companies where I experienced how it feels good earning money from doing your own work and how to conserve money cause you know what it feels like to work so hard then just spending money for nothing. That is when I realized why my mother work so hard and suddenly change her type of business. That is because she failed over again but she never stop. Money is not that important for us but it is necessary for us to work to earn money so that we can send our child to school and provide clothes and foods. Until she found the business where she can manage to improve and expand. She now know what is business and how to be successful as a business woman. Business is to provide answer to customer’s problem and that time, price of the rice quickly increasing. She bet so much money to put up a NFA Store at our residence and in God’s will customers are fall in line just to buy a rice for a cheaper price. Since our NFA Store is expanding, she put up another branch in different city which are manage by my elder siblings. When I ask her how is all of that happen and became possible, all she said is a good business management that will meets your goal. Then, I wanted to became a business manager.

As I am studying accounting, business, and management in LINC Academy in Arellano University, I earn more skills and abilities where teachers are effectively and efficiently taught us how to accurately research information, fluently speak in the business language which is english, presents a business deck, programming, how to use math in business and everything about business. Here I realized what is business management really is. In 20th century, business are now quickly expanding by good management.


The purpose of this career research paper is to know all the facts, knowledge and opinions in being a business manager that can open the student’s mind in what is the reality of life and what is really happening in our world. It will cover general information of the topic such as the history of the business manager, day to day basis and how much one earns, their satisfactions in reaching their goal, educational attainment, trainings and work experience. High school students will learn here that management is essentials because this will be the brain of in everything you do in putting up any business whatever your dreams are. Putting up your own business while working your own passion in life will promptly gets you successful not just for your own but also in helping people around you. Parents who want their children to take up business management will also benefits from the paper. This will help them make a more informed decision, before investing time and money.

I gathered data from various online sources, such as I also looked at organizational site such as and foreign government site such as I also interviewed two business managers, to get firsthand on the profession.

I conducted my preliminary research last March 1 up to March 7 of 2015. While the secondary data covers the information from 2010 up to 2015.

Specific type of business manager (e.g., human resources manager) won’t be discussed in length. This career research paper provides details and data on being a Business Manager in the Philippines or abroad, but it won’t focus on specific specialization one can choose afterwards.


As I am doing my preliminary research, I found out that there are a lot of information online that stated a lot of facts and knowledge that are very helpful for me to complete my research and share this to my fellow students.

According to my secondary sources the English verb “manage” comes from the Italian maneggiare means to handle which derives from the two Latin words “manus” means hand and “agere” means to act. (McGrath) A manager or supervisor is someone who oversees a project and/or one or more members of staff. They are responsible for getting the job done and motivating people, whilst overcoming issues such as limited resources and time. Being a manager or supervisor means more responsibility and work. Therefore, if you are interested in becoming a manager, you should look for a role in a field or industry that interests you. Most people aim for management level in order to further their careers and earn more money. (“What Skills Do I Need to Become a Manager? — Brightside”)


Most business managers hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in business administration, but education and experience required by employers can vary by size and industry. Smaller companies are more likely to hire bachelor’s graduates and allow them to work their way up, while national or international firms may require candidates to hold an advanced degree, such as an MBA (Masteral Degree in Business Administration), or have extensive managerial experience. The first step to a successful business manager career can be a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a specialization in management. Coursework typically includes principles of accounting, applied decision methods for business, finance for managers and business ethics.

Employers can be confident that graduates of a business administration program with a specialization in management are able to apply organizational theories to solve various business issues, practice sound decision-making, identify and avoid potential problems using quantitative techniques, demonstrate management skills such as leadership, planning and organization, leverage advanced skills and knowledge to succeed as a business manager Many employers offer opportunities for continuing education. It’s possible to gain an entry-level position with a bachelor’s degree and use tuition assistance to pay for a master’s degree.(Alliance) Business managers do not need to take up a licensure exam but there are license options or programs provided by universities and the government.(“BSBA (BS in Business Administration) in the Philippines”) Business administration is the study of the techniques and skills needed to manage an organization in order to achieve business goals. Course work in this major includes all aspects of business, including business organization, production, sales and marketing, accounting, and personnel administration. A business administration major may concentrate in one of the above areas, focusing on a specific facet of business while taking courses in the remaining areas to complete the program.

Colleges with a strong business department may offer a dual major together with such studies as economics, international business, business law, or operations research. Since a large numbers of colleges offer this major in some form, students are urged to study and compare catalogs carefully to find the program best suited to their goals. For students contemplating a Master’s of Business Administration, an undergraduate major in business may not be necessary or advisable. Consult several schools of business administration before making this decision. The possible careers are accountant, administrative assistant, business education teacher, contract administration, economist, financial analyst, manager, market research, real estate broker, stock broker, and venture capitalist.(“BSBA (BS in Business Administration) in the Philippines”; CollegeXpress and Ward)


According to, jobseekers holding a degree of business management are looking for this top 10 companies in the Philippines:

  1. San Miguel Corporation (SMC);

  2. Nestlé Philippines;

  3. Business process outsourcing (BPO) firm Accenture;

  4. Pilipinas Shell;

  5. Procter & Gamble placed fourth and fifth, respectively;

  6. SM Investments Corporation;

  7. ABS-CBN Corporation;

  8. BDO Unibank;

  9. Coca-Cola FEMSA; and

  10. Unilever.

This online survey of was conducted last year 2014. According to this leading online job site, salary is no longer the top reason why job seekers especially with those applicants holding any such degree want to work in these companies. The site also showed that benefits and incentives are foremost factors that make jobseekers aspire to work in top firms. If employees offered more benefits and incentive, employees feel that the company cares for them. Other top factors that jobseekers listed in working for top companies include salary, learning and development, company reputation, and work environment and culture.(“Here Are the Top 10 Firms Filipinos Want to Work in”)


Most managers have both a specialized background and a set of managerial skills. You need expertise in a specialized activity, such as marketing, operations, or manufacturing to get started. As you work your way up from an entry-level position and demonstrate potential for learning and achievement, and gain managerial skills, you can earn promotions into managerial ranks.

To become a manager you must demonstrate competence in three areas:

  1. Technical;

  2. Human Relations; and

  3. Conceptual skills.

Technical skills - This is the knowledge and understanding of the mechanics of a specific job.

Human relations - This is the understanding of people and being able to effectively work with people.

Conceptual skills - This is the ability to think and see the relationships between various parts and the whole

Human relations skills are necessary for all levels of managers. As a manager, you spend the majority of your time with people and getting work done through people.

Thus it is not too surprising that a core set of skills necessary to be successful center around interpersonal skills

  1. Oral and Written Communication;

  2. Constructive listening;

  3. Honest and Direct Dialogue; and

  4. Sensitive to what motivates others.(Agency)

Good organization - The manager is responsible for organising their department, implementing processes and guides and outlining what needs doing.

Good time management - Managers are often expected to complete work to deadlines. They must therefore manage the time of their teams and themselves and prioritise work so that projects are completed to deadline.

Interpersonal and relationship-building skills - Managers work closely with people in their team, assigning them work and ensuring they get appropriate training to do their jobs. As well as keeping staff motivated, they are also responsible for hiring and firing them. In order to do all of this, managers must be approachable, compassionate, diplomatic and have good communication skills to listen to and reward their staff.

Delegation - Sometimes it’s tempting to do a job yourself because it’s quicker than explaining it to someone else. However, managers should learn to delegate work where necessary to share responsibility and accountability.

Forward-planning and strategy - The manager puts the strategy in place to achieve the team’s vision and missions. To do this they must be able to plan ahead and look at the bigger picture.

Communication - Managers are the main line of contact between the frontline staff, senior management and clients. They are responsible for keeping everybody informed.

Problem-solving - Managers may encounter problems in their work. They have to be able to think on their feet and solve problems as soon as they happen. To do this they will need to be experts in their field and be able to remain calm and focused while they come up with solutions.

Administrative and financial skills - Managers will usually be expected to set budgets, manage them and carry out other admin such as writing reports. For this, they will need good numeracy, literacy and computer literacy skills.

Leadership - Being a leader involves persuading others to follow the direction you want to go in. As such managers lead by example, have reasonable expectations of their staff and are excellent persuaders.(Agency; “What Skills Do I Need to Become a Manager? — Brightside”)


Your business objectives are the results you hope to achieve and maintain as you run and grow your business. As an entrepreneur, you are concerned with every aspect of your business and need to have clear goals in mind for your company. Having a comprehensive list of business objectives creates the guidelines that become the foundation for your business planning. The main objective of a business manager are profitability, productivity, customer service, employee retention, core values, growth, maintaining financing, change management, marketing and competitive analysis.

Maintaining profitability means making sure that revenue stays ahead of the costs of doing business, according to James Stephenson, writing for the "Entrepreneur" website. Focus on controlling costs in both production and operations while maintaining the profit margin on products sold. Employee training, equipment maintenance and new equipment purchases all go into company productivity. Your objective should be to provide all of the resources your employees need to remain as productive as possible. Good customer service helps you retain clients and generate repeat revenue. Keeping your customers happy should be a primary objective of your organization.

Employee turnover costs you money in lost productivity and the costs associated with recruiting, which include employment advertising and paying placement agencies. Maintaining a productive and positive employee environment improves retention, according to the Dun and Bradstreet website. Your company mission statement is a description of the core values of your company, according to the Dun and Bradstreet website. It is a summary of the beliefs your company holds in regard to customer interaction, responsibility to the community and employee satisfaction. The company's core values become the objectives necessary to create a positive corporate culture. Growth is planned based on historical data and future projections. Growth requires the careful use of company resources such as finances and personnel, according to Tim Berry, writing on the "Entrepreneur" website. Even a company with good cash flow needs financing contacts in the event that capital is needed to expand the organization, according to Tim Berry, writing on the "Entrepreneur" website.

Maintaining your ability to finance operations means that you can prepare for long-term projects and address short-term needs such as payroll and accounts payable. Change management is the process of preparing your organization for growth and creating processes that effectively deal with a developing marketplace. The objective of change management is to create a dynamic organization that is prepared to meet the challenges of your industry. Marketing is more than creating advertising and getting customer input on product changes. It is understanding consumer buying trends, being able to anticipate product distribution needs and developing business partnerships that help your organization to improve market share. A comprehensive analysis of the activities of the competition should be an ongoing business objective for your organization. Understanding where your products rank in the marketplace helps you to better determine how to improve your standing among consumers and improve your revenue.(“10 Most Important Business Objectives”)

The skills of a business managers should possess are:

  1. Communication skills;

  2. Flexible and adaptable;

  3. Ability to synthesize;

  4. Self confidence;

  5. Leadership ability;

  6. Decisiveness;

  7. Problem solving ability;

  8. Energy level;

  9. Work ethic;

  10. Honesty and integrity;

  11. Business judgement; and

  12. Technical skills.

While a person may be successful in a first-line supervision job, that success may not translate to middle and top management. Top managers need excellent conceptual skills and the ability to see the big picture. Leaders are visionaries and have the ability to inspire and infect the entire organization with that vision. Look for passionate employees in firms with leaders. Thought you wanted to be a manager so you could control, give orders, issue commands, and basically boss people around. Well you are out of luck. Today's successful managers empower employees, coach, facilitate, and are cheerleaders. As firms move from hierarchies to virtual organizations, strategic alliances, networks, joint ventures, modular forms, coalitions, and outsourced relationships managers increasingly a negotiations portfolio of skills to effectively manage these new forms.

They need to be able to manage webs of networks, relationships, and contacts to successfully maneuver this new business terrain. Managers have increased pressures to produce high quality products and services in an efficient manner within a fast product cycle (The big three: QUALITY, COST, AND SPEED). After thousands of mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures managers find that their plates are full. Managers today may find themselves in a team or managing a team. Managers need to be able to form and motivate teams. As firms strive to capture the entrepreneurial spirit the use of autonomous teams is increasing. Teams are now responsible for moving a product from the drawing board to the marketplace. Managers face new challenges finding ways to motivate, measure performance, evaluate, and reward teams. Managers that learn this art will be able harness remarkable creativity and spirit.(“10 Most Important Business Objectives”; “What Skills Do I Need to Become a Manager? — Brightside”)

Success in business happens because of successful employees. That being said, strong managers are one of the most critical components of Employee Success — after all, employees leave managers, not companies. It’s important to focus directly on managers as a lever of engagement to recruit, retain, and inspire the greatest asset to your company: employees. To do this, provide the tools to be successful instead of expecting managers to be successful. When looking at specific areas like recognition in the workplace, we see just how important managers are to success.

Management potential. For example, strong manager performance in recognizing employee performance increases engagement by almost 60 percent according to Towers Watson. Increased engagement leads to improved customer service. Better customer service means more loyal customers. You get the idea. Even Peter Drucker — the man who invented management — said, “The productivity of work is not the responsibility of the worker but of the manager.” But the front-line manager faces incredible stress. Between managing a team, driving results, and answering to leadership’s expectations, managers juggle competing goals and often work more or less in the dark. So how do we give managers the training and the best practices we need to make managers successful? To start, we need to promote the right people. From the beginning, we often set up our managers for failure.

We take our top performers and make them managers, but management is a completely different job Bringing in the highest sales numbers does not automatically equate to building and leading teams. Often you look back and realize you took a top performer and made them poor manager. When looking at a potential manager, performance is an important part of the puzzle, but it’s not the whole picture. Great future-managers connect with teammates and influence co workers. They engage teams and motivate them toward success, which can be done in part — but not entirely — by example. At Achievers we create tools that empower and enable managers to engage their team, and also to measure an employee’s engagement with coworkers. Looking closely at recognition leaders and influencers provides a new perspective — and a new data-set — to pick the highest potential internal candidates for management.

Shedding light through analytics. Managers in 2013 face fewer resources, a mandate for employee engagement, and new talent battlefields, in addition to the usual responsibilities of inspiring a team and hitting company targets. With the metrics available today, there is no excuse to send management in blind. It is easy enough to observe an employee’s usual hours and deadlines made or missed, but a thorough understanding of team attitudes, willingness and ability to help out, and performance under pressure requires more effort. But still, it’s important. Actionable insight can make or break teams and ensure your company is performing at its best. We know that knowledge is power. That insight is the key to holding managers accountable and instilling personal responsibility in a manager’s team. That’s why we added Achievers Analytics and Manager’s Corner to our latest product release. Setting clear goals and expectations is crucial, but needs to be paired with consistent support and measurements of success to be effective. By giving our managers access to metrics on engagement, recognition and influence, we paint a more vivid picture than just looking at sales numbers and hours worked. By helping our managers do their jobs better, we build companies that work better overall. Managers need actionable insight to make better human capital decisions and move business forward.(Suleman and Page)

A complex workplace can be transformed into a less-complicated landscape when thought is given to establishing some ground rules. Companies that incorporate a set of managerial ethics or guidelines create a clear path for managers to reference during tough decision-making scenarios. Creating a managerial code of conduct requires some basic information on what ethics are, examples of what might be included and ideas about how to establish managerial ethics in the workplace.

Definition - Ethics are the moral codes that govern behavior of a person or group of people regarding what is right and wrong. These moral codes revolve around established values and principles and may not be the same from culture to culture. Ethics point the way to a particular course of action defining acceptable behaviors and choices. Managerial ethics are a set of standards that dictate the conduct of a manager operating within a workplace.

Boundaries - There are no legal rules or laws that are directed specifically at managers. Instead, an ethics code is assembled by a company to guide its managers. Such a code of conduct typically references shared values, principles and company policies about basic conduct and outlines the duties a manager has to his employees, the company and the company's stakeholders. Although not enforceable by law, managers who consistently ignore certain company ethics may be asked to step down, be moved into another position or fired.

Examples - Managerial ethics usually address two separate areas: principles and policies. Principle-based ethics outline what is considered fair and ethical in the scope of the workplace and might include information about departmental boundaries or use of company equipment. Policy-based managerial ethics refer to conflicts of interest, the right response to gifts from vendors or business partners, or the handling of proprietary information.

Violations - The need to reference managerial ethics arises when a conflict of values is presented. Enron is a perfect example of a violation of managerial ethics. Although it was not illegal for Enron's executive managers to encourage employees to purchase shares of company stock the managers knew would drop in value once Enron's financial trouble was revealed, it was clearly a violation of ethical standards the managers were bound to regarding the treatment and protection of employees. Acting in their own interests, the executives violated basic managerial ethics.

Establishing - Managerial ethics help to guide decision making and regulate internal and external behavior. Ethical dilemmas typically arise from a conflict between an individual or group and the company, division or department as a whole. Companies establishing a set of values and norms that are acknowledged by managers and consistently referenced during the work day have created an ethical platform by which managers can operate and make decisions. Training managers on the specifics of managerial ethics by role play, case study and group discussion may set the stage for ethical behavior.(“What Are Managerial Ethics?”)


Figure 1:Daily working of two business manager from Bank of the Philippines Island.

According to two respondents, their total working schedule in a day is 9 hours. This shows that a business manager spends more time at work than the ordinary employees and they do a lot more things than the others.

Figure 2: Free time of two business manager from Bank of the Philippines Island.

According to two respondents, one could have 1 hour to 30 minutes free time at work and one could work during the 30 minutes more and spends free time during lunch break.

Figure 3:Years it took for the two business manager from Bank of the Philippines Island to be promoted.

According to two respondents, it may took 3 to 4 years to be promoted as a business manager.

Figure 4: Salary range of two business manager from Bank of the Philippines Island.

According to two respondents, their salary ranges from Php 50,000-150,000 a month. Incentive, benefits or allowance are not included. Taxes and contribution are not yet deducted.

Figure 5: Satisfaction of choosing this career of two business manager from Bank of the Philippines Island.

According to two respondents, they are very happy in choosing business manager as their desired working position and as their passion.

According to my respondents, their daily responsibility are to oversee the activities of workers; hire and train and evaluate new employees; and ensure that their company is on track to meet its financial goals. A business manager also develop and implement budgets, prepare reports for senior management and ensure the department complies with company policies. They also ensures that their co-workers have the resources to complete their work. They also plays the role as a production manager that direct their team as a leader, who then oversee the scheduling and output of workers. A business manager assess the performance of their department against the business’s goals and plans. Sometimes they also perform human resource activities, such as performance evaluations, hiring and discipline for employees in their department. Performance evaluations provide an opportunity to set goals, motivate and develop workers. Business manager motivate workers through incentives and positive feedback. When their co-workers fail to meet the company’s performance requirements, they provide the evaluation that can help employees improve their work. They overall interact with her co-workers or newly hired employees as a family. They are adept at supervising other employees in a fair, consistent manner. They also stated that a business manager must have the ability to motivate others, encouraging them to increase both productivity and work quality. According to both of my respondents, the common mistakes of a business manager that I must avoid are hiring and partner with an unorganized and effective assistant, not apologizing to subordinates, lack of personal accountability and integrity in the workplace, not using metrics and data to manage others, poor listening skills, not “coaching.”, not managing realistic goals and expectations, and managing with a negative attitude.


Career research paper is a hard thing to do as a students so I need to do this step by step. As my chosen career is being a business manager, I manage to conduct information from my primary sources by following this steps. I list down all the things that I do know and I do not know on being a business manager. I made a question out of this list to evaluate things I should know about this career. I categorize those question from educational attainment, work experience, trainings, salary, skills and abilities and managerial ethics. I separated the questions I can easily answer from books or from the internet and question that I must asked from two or more respondents. I asked my sister to help me in finding a respondents and luckily she is currently working as a customer service representative in Bank of the Philippines Island located in Market-Market, Taguig City. She is working her friends who are a business manager at their company branch. I put my survey questionnaires to and send an email stating the purpose of the survey and the link of the survey forms. After a week, I received a response from two of my respondents namely Ms. Arlene Bartina, a Business Manager for 2 years and Ms Maricris Criselda, Business Manager for 3 years. They are both working in Bank of the Philippine Island with my sister, Ms. Reina Kamille Afable, a customer service representative .

This is the survey forms I sent titled as Gathering Data on Business Manager.

  1. What is your daily working schedule?

  • 8 hours

  • 9 hours

  • Other : __________

  1. What are the daily task of your chosen field?

  1. What are the daily responsibility for that field?

  1. How should a business manager interact with the co-workers?

  1. What is the first job opportunity should have before reaching that field?

  1. How long will it take to be promoted?

  1. What are the common mistakes of that field that is must avoid?

  1. How happy are you choosing that field?

  • Very Happy

  • Just Happy

  • Very Unhappy

  1. How much free time do you have?

  • 30 Minutes

  • 1 Hour

  • 1 Hour and 30 Minutes

  • Other : _____________

  1. What training is needed for that field?

This is the response of my first respondents.

  1. Total working hours 9 Hours every weekday.

  2. Positions in this job family are assigned responsibilities involving the supervision and management of business and support service activities of a state agency, institution or facility. This includes establishing and maintaining accounting procedures, fiscal reporting methods, procedures for payment of invoices and other expense vouchers, and other related activities. It may also include supervision of other business functions such as personnel, supply, procurement, and administrative services

  3. Business managers oversee the activities of workers; hire, train and evaluate new employees; and ensure that a company or department is on track to meet its financial goals. Business managers might also develop and implement budgets, prepare reports for senior management and ensure the department complies with company policies. Managers also ensure workers have the resources to complete their work. The size of the company can determine the type of activities the manager performs. For example, in a larger organization, a production manager might direct team or group leaders, who then oversee the scheduling and output of workers. In a smaller company, the production manager might perform these activities herself. Managers assess the performance of the department or company against the business’s goals and plans. Some business managers perform human resource activities, such as performance evaluations, hiring and discipline for employees in their department. Performance evaluations provide an opportunity to set goals, motivate and develop workers. Managers motivate workers through incentives and positive feedback. When workers fail to meet the company’s performance requirements, managers provide the evaluation that can help employees improve their work.

  4. A business manager should interact to the co-workers as a family. Treat them like they're your own child and they will follow your orders. Don't put any pressure to them so that they will do the task correctly.

  5. My first job opportunity before reaching business manager is customer service representative.

  6. It took 3 years for me to be promoted.

  7. KEEPING THE STAR MINDSET - People often get promoted because they are awesome at what they do. But once you’re in management, "your job is no longer to be the star as a contributor. Your job is now to manage through other people’s successes," says Pollak. This is a huge change in thinking, and unfortunately, many new managers "keep trying to do their old jobs and be a manager at the same time." The net result is that you have twice as much work. Your company may not help you figure out this new coach mindset, but the good news is that people have been writing about leadership since the dawn of the printed word. Avail yourself of this literature and you’ll figure out how to motivate others toward greater ends.

DOING OTHER PEOPLE’S WORK FOR THEM - This mistake follows closely from clinging to an individual contributor identity. New managers often tell their direct reports "Let me just do this for you," Pollak says. But if you hate being micromanaged, you can imagine that no one else likes it either, and time spent micromanaging is time not spent leading. "It’s a perfect combination of disaster, which is why so many people don’t like their managers."

NOT GETTING TO KNOW PEOPLE - "How you begin is so important to how you’re perceived by your team," Pollak says. In particular, "don’t hide behind technology." While it may be easier and more convenient to communicate by email, "in managing people, that human touch is still extremely important for good things and not-so-good things." You want to figure out what works and what doesn’t for different people, and assumptions can get you in trouble later on.

CALLING ATTENTION TO INSECURITIES - You want to come across as authentic and approachable. But unfortunately, the way you do this can be a real "credibility buster," says Pollak. If you are younger than many of the people you’re managing, you don’t need to belabor this. If you’re much older, don’t go on about how you’re bad with technology, or otherwise play into stereotypes. "Don’t sabotage yourself in a multigenerational workplace," Pollak says. You can respect others without putting yourself down.

BURNING THE BARNS - Perhaps you’ve been brought in to change things. But unless your mandate involves replacing the whole department, you’ll need to inspire people toward your vision and convince them to work toward it, whether you were their first choice for a boss or not. Honor people’s years of experience and wisdom, and listen to their advice (even if you don’t always take it).

NOT AIMING FOR EARLY WINS - You’re in charge now. Scoring some early victories will convince your team that you’re serious about coaxing out their best work. Examples include "getting rid of an annoying meeting," says Pollak — one that everyone hates and has long outlived its usefulness. Or, "surprise everyone in the first meeting with breakfast." You can even save good news for your first official sit-downs with people. The point is to start from a positive place.

NOT MAKING TIME TO FOCUS - Sometimes, in trying to be accessible, new managers become too reactive. They work long hours responding to crises, but never make time for strategic thinking. A better approach is to "think of yourself as one of your managed people," says Pollak. If you’d spend an hour a day with each direct report, spend an hour a day coaxing out your best performance, so you can address problems before they explode.

  1. She is very happy in choosing this career.

  2. She only has an average free time of 1 hour and 30 minutes a day.

  3. The best training ground for a newbie business manager you can find here at the link:

They provide different training for different field.

This is the response of my second respondents.

  1. Total working hours of 9 hours every weekdays.

  2. Business managers are responsible for overseeing and supervising a company's activities and employees. Small businesses rely on the business manager to keep workers aligned with the goals of the company. Office manager's duties can vary significantly based on the size and type of organization of employment. For example, managers working within a small dental office may be required to greet patients, set appointments and handle billing, while managers working within a corporate office may focus exclusively on one aspect of business, such as insurance processing. Duties also might include evaluating office procedures and looking for more efficient ways of conducting processes.Office managers, also called administrative service managers, are business professionals who are responsible for a diverse set of administrative tasks. Whether calculating payroll or hiring new employees, office managers must perform their duties with decisiveness and accuracy for a business to perform well.

  3. In addition to overseeing personnel, office managers ensure the smooth functioning of businesses. For example, office managers within a healthcare facility may be called upon to order general supplies like paper, pens and toner, as well as medical supplies, such as syringes, medicine or vaccinations from specific vendors. Accordingly, managers may be required to research several vendors for pricing, delivery dates and other terms of sale

  4. Office managers must be adept at supervising other employees in a fair, consistent manner. They must have the ability to motivate others, encouraging them to increase both productivity and work quality. Supervisory duties may also include hiring and firing employees, as well as resolving disputes or other issues that arise among employees. Within sales offices, office managers may track the sales force, reporting monthly sales numbers and noting areas in need of improvement.

  5. My first job opportunity here at BPI is customer service representative before I reach my desired work position.

  6. It took 3 or 4 years for me to be promoted as a business manager.

  7. Hire and partner with an unorganized and effective assistant, Hiring the best people for any job, Not apologizing to subordinates, Lack of personal accountability and integrity in the workplace, Lack of personal accountability and integrity in the workplace, Not using metrics and data to manage others, Poor listening skills, Not “coaching.”, Not managing realistic goals and expectations, managing with a negative attitude.

  8. She is very happy in choosing this career

  9. She only has a total of 30 minutes free time in a day.

  10. This are the several seminars topics you can attend here at business coach Philippines. This is where I find seminars and training that is provides relevant knowledge for me as a assistant business manager. Training the Trainers How to Compute Salaries, Wages, and Benefits Performance Management System Personality Development Human Resource Management Training Conducting Interviews, Recruitment and Selection Process Competency-Based Salary Structure Design Training Needs Analysis Competency-Based Development of HR Policies and Procedures Training Evaluation: Measuring the Impact of Training Training for Receptionists Fundamentals of Organizational Development Training for Executive Assistants Handling Grievance, Discipline, Termination and Dismissal Competency-Based Succession Planning Work Attitude and Value Enhancement (WAVE) Program Improving Performance Using Balanced Scorecard Effective Change Management Creative Problem Solving and Decision Making. This is the link where you can register online:


A career of a business manager sounds really good at first, but this research paper shows me that there is a lot more to discover. Being a business manager will give you the same feeling of first time. You will always fell respectful and powerful. You can command your co-worker on what to do and putting a deadline. You receive more incentive and benefits that your employees. But what is business manager truly means? This is means is to ethically work and interact with people everyday, make critical decisions, solve the problem of everyone in your company when it regards to overall performance of the business, and plan things ahead to meet everyday business goal. Higher position will not means for your own satisfaction or happiness, but it also means a higher responsibility. There are a lot of advantages to being a business manager: such as the majority of manager will be delegated a degree of authority, this gives them the power to carry out certain tasks, such as set work schedules, appraise staff, organise training, settle disputes and perhaps even have a say in staff discipline, recruitment and the growth and direction of the business; They are paid more than others in the company and they has a higher value in our society if they have a Business Administration degree would be added advantage for their goal. If it sounds good being a business manager, there are also disadvantages of a business manager such as: no one likes the boss, and you are lonely at the top. You are the person who always has to make the decision, right or wrong. Wrong decision may screw-up your job. On the top of that there are illegal liabilities as well as restrictions that non-managers don’t have. You may always feel aloof because you may not as close to the employees in your group when you are the boss. No one likes to work in alone right? Goals of a business manager’s decision are usually more long-term, quarterly or even annual. The real measure of a manager’s success, an improvement in their people management skill is even more long term and more difficult to manage. If you can wait months or longer for feedback, management may be for you.

To decide whether a career in management is right for you, you have to weigh the pros and cons. You have to decide what best suits you and what's best for you, not what matters to someone else. If pay, authority and value are important to you, you may want to consider a career in management. However, if you don't like being legally or financially responsible for the actions of yours and others, management may be a bad choice. In the real world, it's not going to be that cut and dried. There will be some things about management that appeal to you and others that don't. You have to weigh all these factors and decide.

Management is not right for everyone. Those who like to have responsibility, enjoy working with people, able to deal with uncertainty and making decisions when you never seem to have all the facts in time. Probably will get paid more, but believe me you'll earn it. However, when it all comes together; when all your people are pulling together toward the same goal and setting new records it can be a great feeling. When you see someone you trained go off on their own and become successful, you can take a certain amount of pride for having helped them get started. Management can be frustrating, and a lot of hard work.

The most interesting things that I discovered about business manager is that upon writing this career research paper, I can picture out what could happen or what could I feel when I reached this career in the future. This research paper opens my mind on what happens in reality today. Completing my primary and secondary sources is the best part of this research paper on being a business manager.

Upon completing my resources I found out that the field of business manager is not always in demand, of course, company owner will always choose a business manager from his own employees. This means that this career is not always open to new employee applying to a higher position and it will not give you a higher chance to receive a job offer. I am not thinking of college degree that is easy to study but I am thinking more to job that I could earn when I graduated. And as my final decision is clear now, I will not going pursue this career. We all know that life is hard enough and it’s getting harder everyday, and that’s me. I will always love to manage time and organize things out and this career is not for me. I failed to dealt nicely to people most of the time and I don’t want to waited for so long just to receive my feedback and so being a business manager required waiting for so long for just a feedback and interact nicely to people everyday.


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